Academy Faculty

Imam Abdul Ahad

Islamic University of Islamabad, Quranic studies

Abdul Ahad Hussain was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. He received his early education from the Islamic Foundation School of Villa Park, IL. He later enrolled in the Tahfeezul Quran program where he completed the memorization of the Holy Quran in 2011.After studying a few semesters of college he felt the need to study the basics of Din and understand the Quran he memorized. Which prompted him to join the Arabic and Islamic Studies program at Darussalam Foundation. Since then he has been teaching Quran and learning Arabic at a full-time level. After developing a solid foundation of his Din he felt that the thirst for knowledge had not been quenched so he decided to further his studies in Islam by traveling abroad to study with senior Islamic scholars. Currently, he is studying at the International Islamic University of Islamabad doing a Bachelors in Islamic Studies with a specialization in Quranic Sciences, Tafsir, and Qiraat. He later plans on getting accepted to a master’s program which can serve his academic needs as well the needs of the greater American community, in sha Allah.

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